Ignition Problem HELP!


New Member
Dec 7, 2010
Green Bay,WI
Hi I just got my 93 blaster last week. I am having a problem starting it though. I do have the diagram to go by. well anyway it has fuel but no spark whatsoever. there is no key switch, so the wires were just disconnected. Im so lost.please help me!
I need some place to start. Im a auto tech but im lost when thers no battery.(cant check for voltage) Thanks
Well if I dont feel stupid. I found the no spark diagnosis chart in the service manual. Everything tested perfect and in spec. So I thought it was the cdi for sure. Well today I wanted to make sure so i unpluged the control unit to rule that out. Pulled it over and now I have spark. So I checked the throttle switch and it has no resistance.good. then i checked the carb switch and that also tested good. That leaves one thing, the cdi control unit. Hope this helps other people.