if i sold my trx or parted it would anyone buy it local or want parts?

Oct 16, 2008
southern IN
I am in need of money and want to know if anyone would want my trx in sig it needs a head gasket and that is all i am sure of and carb cleaned and maybe otehr minor stuff so please lmk thanks
why dont you just buy the cheap head gasket, get it running and sell it for more, how much can a gsket be? 20$ if that

you could get like 500-800 for it non running, but you could get 1000-1500 or more for it running
i will have to clean out the motor cause all the antifreeze and stuff in it but that is why id like to part but id say $1000 for it has great spark also just the head gasket i think it could be some other small things like i said also
Just fix the head gasket and fire it up. It'll blow all that coolant out the exhuast. Make sure to let it warm up good and then retorque the head bolts.

I just put a new cylinder base gaket on mine and it srlsy took all of 30 minutes.