Idle problem


New Member
Aug 29, 2009
Hi everyone, new to forum and was hopeing someone could help me out. I just picked up a 2002 Blaster today, it would not idle but ran fine. The guy I bought it from said it had been sitting for about a 1 1/2 years and ran fine when they put in storage. I figured gummed up carb and bought it. Pulled the bowl off the carb and clraned it up, pulled plug cleaned it, still no idle. got to thinking about the thumb throttle because as long as you rev it, it keeps running. Pulled the top off it and noticed when ever the contacts connect it dies. Traced wire from throttle under the hood, found a loose wire connection. Now it will run without giving it gas, but the RPM's go thru the roof. tried adjusting the idle screw but no matter which way I turn it I can't get the idle to come down. Air screw is 1 1/2 turns out. not sure what to do next, any help would be appreciated.
I was thinking that but I'm not to familiar with it. Is there a way to disable it, without completely removing it to check if that is the problem?
I just ordered the TORS eliminator kit from Vito's, is there anything I should know before installing? I'm not sure what all I need to unplug. I'd like to here any kit installation advice anyone might have before I get started. Thanks.
Dude theres a thred on how to take your TORS out, if I was u I would take it out completely it dosent do anything but give u problems...