im not one to moan or go ranting and raving. im not easily displeased, nor am i a hater or critic. but for god sake that volcano is ruining my build, im still waiting for a seat cover to come in the post, im guessing its because it will be in the airmail from the states, our airspace has just reopened and im guessing that it is stuck in the backlog. i ordered more stuff from the states today and i will be severly pissed if it doesnt come due to volcanic ash again.
my message is this, im a firm beleiver in tidying up your own mess, just ask my missus [actualy dont] but never the less, a sock on the floor or a few bits of quad scattered around our property is no match for the confusion, delay and down right disasterous consequences this icelandic volcano and its cloud of ash are reeking on my build.
i stand firm to the point i will not tolereate any further disruption i urge all brits to form a campaign to halt this outrage,
people of iceland its your volcano, get it sorted. we are not asking much, we are not asking you to move mountains, no, just to extinguish a volcano.... a build is at stake.
my message is this, im a firm beleiver in tidying up your own mess, just ask my missus [actualy dont] but never the less, a sock on the floor or a few bits of quad scattered around our property is no match for the confusion, delay and down right disasterous consequences this icelandic volcano and its cloud of ash are reeking on my build.
i stand firm to the point i will not tolereate any further disruption i urge all brits to form a campaign to halt this outrage,
people of iceland its your volcano, get it sorted. we are not asking much, we are not asking you to move mountains, no, just to extinguish a volcano.... a build is at stake.