I think some people here neeed punished...

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omg i take care of mentally retarded people its my job, so fredflintbone if you need help with everyday living like picking up your toys and feeding yourself give me a call.. i can always use overtime..LOLOL.OL
Not to be mean bro but just sit back and laugh with us.To be honest I just seen these threads now and the last thread I believe you were told or hinted to more than enough times.sh*t happens all you can do is laugh now,cause I just read both threads and I laughed my ass off.lollollol hahahah still laughing.jk
How do you suppose we should be punished? You gonna take away our recess? I mean come on seriously. Now your pissed at everyone because you got screwed over. Its your own damn fault, and if you don't like what people around here say then find another forum. This forum is full of great people that tried to help you but maybe your just that dumb and can't read.
But what if this was the guys last $40? What if hell never have anymore money? What if $40 is all he needed to get his blaster running? What if he never gets to ride it again?
Oh well who cares atleast he has a replacement belt for his vaccum and his carpets will be clean.
But seriously tho...you should of paid closer attention to what they were putting in your thread.......
A couple weeks ago i signed up here to ask for help with a powerband I was buying and several people here encouraged me to meet up with the guy in the city and buy the powerband. Well i got ripped off and i think the people here who sent me off to buy it should be punished. I could have gotten hurt or worse. Not cool, Not cool at all.

Here is the thread I am talking about http://www.blasterforum.com/engine-13/i-may-buy-powerband-tomarrow-13867/


dude if u noticed everyone was sarcastic. LMFAO ur funny dude
Personally, we all thought you were jokeing. You gave us all a laugh. Sorry for your bad luck, I hope you don't hate all the form members because of it. Hell mr 305 is a chill guy and hes perty smart with knowing things abut the blaster.
i still think this guy is messing with us heres another thread for ppl to laugh at this guy is hilarious the first thread i pulled up at school and everybody laughed this guys just a little prankster i still laugh when reading the first one lmao
dude seriously your guna sit here and get us "punished" god your worse than a little girl. go back to that thread from your how powerband thing and read you can tell we were all sarcastic and if you dont see it your officially an idiot.
dude seriously your guna sit here and get us "punished" god your worse than a little girl. go back to that thread from your how powerband thing and read you can tell we were all sarcastic and if you dont see it your officially an idiot.

This is exactly what I mean. hell you do need punished. Your a bunch of bullys and jerks. I am never coming back here. What kind of guy runs this place that he lets you all run free like a pack of mean dogs tearing apart whomever one of you chooses to dislike.
I don't have to stay here and take this. I have many people in my life that Love me and treat me with respect. I don't have to spend all day here seeking it (love & respect) like you do.
Some of you should really grow up. CyberBullying makes you the little girl. A real man wouldn't treat people that way.
Go on now you big bullys talk a bunch more crap about me and get the last word in because that's what bullys do. But don't expect me to ever come back and read any of it because I will not return to this forum ever again.

This is exactly what I mean. hell you do need punished. Your a bunch of bullys and jerks. I am never coming back here. What kind of guy runs this place that he lets you all run free like a pack of mean dogs tearing apart whomever one of you chooses to dislike.
I don't have to stay here and take this. I have many people in my life that Love me and treat me with respect. I don't have to spend all day here seeking it (love & respect) like you do.
Some of you should really grow up. CyberBullying makes you the little girl. A real man wouldn't treat people that way.
Go on now you big bullys talk a bunch more crap about me and get the last word in because that's what bullys do. But don't expect me to ever come back and read any of it because I will not return to this forum ever again.


booohoooo God grow a sense of humor dude,Jesus, your looking for love and respect on the internet???silliest thing ive ever heard,jesus,heck everyone here could be racist agaisnt latino but id still stay,lots of good info.....crying on the internet cuz your getting "bullied"??your the one that needs to grow B)up.
booohoooo God grow a sense of humor dude,Jesus, your looking for love and respect on the internet???silliest thing ive ever heard,jesus,heck everyone here could be racist agaisnt latino but id still stay,lots of good info.....crying on the internet cuz your getting "bullied"??your the one that needs to grow B)up.

Amen to that^ also if your looking for love and respect on the internet from what i hear on the radio eharmony.com is just for u ;)
This is exactly what I mean. hell you do need punished. Your a bunch of bullys and jerks. I am never coming back here. What kind of guy runs this place that he lets you all run free like a pack of mean dogs tearing apart whomever one of you chooses to dislike.
I don't have to stay here and take this. I have many people in my life that Love me and treat me with respect. I don't have to spend all day here seeking it (love & respect) like you do.
Some of you should really grow up. CyberBullying makes you the little girl. A real man wouldn't treat people that way.
Go on now you big bullys talk a bunch more crap about me and get the last word in because that's what bullys do. But don't expect me to ever come back and read any of it because I will not return to this forum ever again.


see, if the admin were to "punish" us. 85% of the people on this forum would leave and never come back.... I know I would, and I think the admin would rather lose 1 person (you) than everyone else...

sooo.... Ill see you later little girl....
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