Hey dareal your bumper looks crooked. I just noticed that.
A couple weeks ago i signed up here to ask for help with a powerband I was buying and several people here encouraged me to meet up with the guy in the city and buy the powerband. Well i got ripped off and i think the people here who sent me off to buy it should be punished. I could have gotten hurt or worse. Not cool, Not cool at all.
Here is the thread I am talking about http://www.blasterforum.com/engine-13/i-may-buy-powerband-tomarrow-13867/
dude seriously your guna sit here and get us "punished" god your worse than a little girl. go back to that thread from your how powerband thing and read you can tell we were all sarcastic and if you dont see it your officially an idiot.
This is exactly what I mean. hell you do need punished. Your a bunch of bullys and jerks. I am never coming back here. What kind of guy runs this place that he lets you all run free like a pack of mean dogs tearing apart whomever one of you chooses to dislike.
I don't have to stay here and take this. I have many people in my life that Love me and treat me with respect. I don't have to spend all day here seeking it (love & respect) like you do.
Some of you should really grow up. CyberBullying makes you the little girl. A real man wouldn't treat people that way.
Go on now you big bullys talk a bunch more crap about me and get the last word in because that's what bullys do. But don't expect me to ever come back and read any of it because I will not return to this forum ever again.
booohoooo God grow a sense of humor dude,Jesus, your looking for love and respect on the internet???silliest thing ive ever heard,jesus,heck everyone here could be racist agaisnt latino but id still stay,lots of good info.....crying on the internet cuz your getting "bullied"??your the one that needs to grow B)up.
This is exactly what I mean. hell you do need punished. Your a bunch of bullys and jerks. I am never coming back here. What kind of guy runs this place that he lets you all run free like a pack of mean dogs tearing apart whomever one of you chooses to dislike.
I don't have to stay here and take this. I have many people in my life that Love me and treat me with respect. I don't have to spend all day here seeking it (love & respect) like you do.
Some of you should really grow up. CyberBullying makes you the little girl. A real man wouldn't treat people that way.
Go on now you big bullys talk a bunch more crap about me and get the last word in because that's what bullys do. But don't expect me to ever come back and read any of it because I will not return to this forum ever again.