I got Busted!

Hmmmm, I have only had two instances with the cops. One was on the 50 when I was running with my buddy around town and going down the highway and sh*t. Reason was we saw the ghost rider videos from Europe and thought it would be tight to do. We saw a cop and got the red and blues so we ditched into the woods, ran to his house and laid the bikes down in my truck bed. Then we drove around with our cool faces on watching cops roll around looking for us.
Then there was this morning, I put a new chain on(which broke because of the sh*tty stock tensioner just after 10 minutes of riding) so I had to test it by dorking around in the yard. Well that led to the old warm up session to get the bike up to a good temperature. I am about to run it up on the ramps to load her up. Then I see Miss sexy young cop neighbor walking from around the corner, so I was glad to see her and felt an oh crap moment coming. Loaded up the blaster into the truck and sat on the truck bed for her to get down to me. After a little chat and some flirting I got off the hook and she wants to go riding some time. So moral off the story... well there really isn't a moral only that sexy cops rock:D

But yeah it sucks anytime you have a run in with the law and an atv is involved.
Her father is a contractor and has a full garage of toys and acouple fun cars so she rides herself, you guys need to have county connections man. Just gotta get the blaster repaired and running. Now for the sexy part it might of been exaggerated, but cute for a cop none the less.
yea the woods is owned by the school too but they dont use it for sh*t.... so i ride the trails all the time.... i know who called the cops.. jerk ass neighbor who blamed me for her dog getting cancer and dying when i never knew she had a dog.... biotch.

How the hell do you give a dog cancel? Playin Fetch with a rod of Uranium? haha
Yea I would put it in top gear a got the hell outta there. Thats my plan on the 125 if I get pulled over cause I don't have a spark arrestor is just put it in top gear and fly I know most of the trails up there like the back of my hand and they don't patrol on quads so there is no way they can keep up with me.
good angel says talk to the cop bad angel says haul ass he will never catch you through the woods the good angels advice worked out for you this time but it wont always best to learn who to listen to and when but only bein 13 helps lol
Old thread that must be reborn! LOL..

When I was 9 all I did everyday was ride my little CRF50F up and down the street constantly, and one day a cop decided to pull me over, he let me go cuz I was a little guy haha, he just said be careful bud :D that would be my very first run in with the cops..I've had a few others that weren't as easy to get out of..they involved A LOT of hauling ass! I:I
The cops over by my buddy's farm are pretty cool a lot of the time if you dont run. They usally pull up and just ask whats goin on, and let you do what ever you were doing. They let you get from one place to another if you use the side of the road and dont impeed traffic and follow the rules like stop signs and looking both ways and letting traffic have the right away. But if your weaving and acting like a jack@$$ their gonna tell you much less if you go in town your gonna expect to get a ticketjust like anybody else.