I am about to cry!


New Member
Jan 13, 2010
haha i am trading my blaster,ps3, and 100 bucks for a brand spankin new 06 ltr 450 she has about 7 rides on her and has the nubbies on the tires still i am so pumped i thought this would never happen in a million years. i am getting her tomorrow and i will post up pics right when i get her and i will video the first ride haha i am just so excited.
haha dont worry i will definetly get the pics and do be honest i thought i would never get a 450 i am so excited and when i get home i am gonna buy nerf bars and numbers because thats all i will need to start off the race season
The 06 has tranny probs. Get the shift pin relocator and run 200cc extra in the tranny case. I never had a problem with mine, but alot have. Check the valve lash often...so get a shim kit, you need it. The cherry bomb and removing the core in the silencer make a big dif. Other than that real nice bikes and can get the job done stock.
Yeah, check it over real good, that doesn't sound like a good deal on the other guys part. Like Kgibson said, get a shift pin relocator and run 200cc more high quality oil, and change it often. The 06 gears don't grenade as bad as the later models, and I've never had a problem with mine, but the relocator and extra oil should take care of any problems.

HawaiianBassHed, I wouldn't say they are the fastest stock for stock, but a $40 cherry bomb and it's the cheapest to make fast. Where the LTR really shines though is in it's handeling.



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Hey guys i got the title and everything for her and she works like a charm, the reason the guy was selling it was because his wife wanted a smaller quad and he already has a trx 250r and a trx 450r that he races and he wanted to get her something so i got a crazy deal and keep in mind this was my first time riding in that video so if your gonna criticize me then please make it constructive criticism, and i already know i need to keep the rpm's a bit higher in the corner and to get into the turn more