Huge hole on top of the piston, LOL


New Member
Nov 1, 2008
Hey guys,

After a huge bang and coming to a stop, There is a massive hole in the centre of the piston and CRAPLOADS of metal shavings everywhere!!!!
The bike was going hell quick that day to lol.

I am in the process of splitting the cases to remove all the bits of metal. I am assuming that the crankshaft bearings need to be replaced but was thinking about the Big end bearing? Its a 2001 bike, would this bearing need replacing? How often do they go? Because I didn't really want to split the crankshaft as I am unable to do it?


personally i think it would be nuts to have the cases all apart and not do all the bearings and seals. unless they are real new change em. you can get a wiseco crank, rod, bearings and gaskets off fee gay for $170.