How to post you tube video?


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Mar 1, 2011
Rochester, New York
I have been trying for a while now to post some videos I took onto the forum. I can get the link up on the page to direct you to my Youtube page and video, but I want the video actually in the thread. Tried it many ways and can not find out how to in the search. Hate to be a newbie but anybody got some help for me. I shot some nice short videos of my kids and I riding some sand pits in WNY like to share them. thanks
I usually just pull up the video on YouTube using one browser session and then right-click & copy the URL.

Then open up another browser session for, start your thread, and then right-click & past the URL into the body of your post.

Good luck!
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Thanks Dakota pretty easy with a little shared knowledge. Now If I can figure out how to send you some green you earned it.

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Piezzi your method works as well Thanks for the help here is some green for you as well. Going to start a new thread with videos now
Here is one of my eight year old son and sixteen year old daughter making the doughnuts
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Sure is Prime, going to be riding there this sunday. Get your build finished and join us. Going to start a new thread with a bunch of videos from Attica.
Damn, it's cold as a mother lately!! I have to find somewhere to paint my frame...the 20 degree garage is not going to cut it. Can't paint in the cold anyways. Working on restoring some ugly painted plastics to their original white. After that, I'll just need a few odds and ends and I'll be done. I will definitely be coming down to the sand pits in the spring and summer. Is there enough sand there to need paddles? (or enough to benefit from having them)
Prime the sand is really hard packed have not seen the need for paddles. My buddy was getting good enough grip with some flat track tires on his 200x. If you get desperate enough for a place to paint I am building a little insulated booth in my garage with a space heater in it. Planning on building it 32" x 52" x 82" tall. We are just about an hour away.