How do you past time in school/work?

yea i got inschool suspension tomarrow so ill be doing alot of sleeping but the school also blocks blasterforum but not ebay... wtf.. haha
Well I got through today. Talking and text all day lol. Periods one and two I can get on BF and if I have a sub in the other classes I can get on the internet. Most of my work is done on computers. We don't have bookwork at my school.
dude...dont u know if u dont learn in school u will have a sh*tty job and there will be no internet access.....if i could go back i would be a fu**ing honor student...
yea well i realy am not good at all in school dont know a f*cking thing of spanish so im screwed..
alot of people are saying oh do good or you'll have a sh*ty job blah blah.

im sure theres people(like me) with enough common sence to know the limits. theres certain cources that you shouldnt worry about then theres important ones. you gota know when to pay attention and when to learn.

for instance, in canada some of you know we gota take french, just grade 9. thats when you dont give a sh*t.

or in english when your learning about how crazy shakespear was. either just remeber for the test and be done or cheat lol. either way, get good marks in core subjects like math and english for school opportunitys.

for me, english is a problem, as some of you've noticed lol. if any of that mad sence, leme know cuz ill be suprised. then again, english doesnt have alot to do with engine building...
got suspened for being late to class telling teachers off and talking hate all my teachers and i only got em for the rest of this year so f*ck it... their all pissed at me im sure :)
Well my school isn't like everyone elses. I learn everything from a program on the computer then take a test on the computer. Everything is done at my own pace so I can finish a grade level in less than 3 months if I wanted to. I just get bored and need something new to do lol.
alot of people are saying oh do good or you'll have a sh*ty job blah blah.

im sure theres people(like me) with enough common sence to know the limits. theres certain cources that you shouldnt worry about then theres important ones. you gota know when to pay attention and when to learn.

for instance, in canada some of you know we gota take french, just grade 9. thats when you dont give a sh*t.

or in english when your learning about how crazy shakespear was. either just remeber for the test and be done or cheat lol. either way, get good marks in core subjects like math and english for school opportunitys.

for me, english is a problem, as some of you've noticed lol. if any of that mad sence, leme know cuz ill be suprised. then again, english doesnt have alot to do with engine building...

i agree a 100 times sh*t is so useless the math with all that crap you never use. just need to know add, subtract, mutiply, divide and f*ck the rest
got suspened for being late to class telling teachers off and talking hate all my teachers and i only got em for the rest of this year so f*ck it... their all pissed at me im sure :)

they might be pissed, but they dont give a sh*t what you do, its your life, there just there giving you an opportunity to learn but if you blow it off, they couldnt care less.
i actually do study in school for subjects that are important but for stuff like french f*ck it lol.

but the only thing that really pisses me off are ahole teachers. so i had only been in school for 5 minutes and i got a fcuking detention, so heres the story i was waiting to go into my business studies class and there was an incoedent slip on a table so me being a nosey bugger started to read it lol, and this teacher comes in who doesn't even teach me and starts giving me a lecture on the data protection act and i was breaking it by reading the letter about some kid swearing at a member of staff lol.

so i got a detention for it, so i turned up for it and the tracher started shouting at me and saying i was stupid and pathetic, so i just turned around and told her that it was her fault as she was stupid enough to leave it in a comunal area where anyone can read it, well that shut her up and i just walked out lol
during my last year of school when io wasnt doing anything i went wild
i used to just walk out of class and go for lunch like 3 hours early
used to skip school all the time
teachers hated me for being a cheeky bastard
although in the years that did count i got the head down and studied and came out with good grades