How do you elimiate vibration?


New Member
Dec 13, 2008
Vineland, NJ
Whenever I ride my blaster I get off and it's like I'm having a seizure. And when I ride it also vibrates like crazy, especially in the powerband.
Man what I would have done for a blaster when I was 12 or 13.. I'd proboly be dead haha.

Just wait till you ride a bigger bike, even 4strokes vibe alot.

You can get ani- vibe inserts that go into your bars, gel grips, even fill your bars with silocone. But nothing you do will stop it form vibrating.
Yea i'm 12 and I probably know a whole lot more about blasters and quads than kids my age. Anyway I was talking to this one dude who said that the counterbalancer can move a bit and can vibrate a lot. And I will take a look at the motor mounts when I can. But right now I want to sell my blaster to get a 300ex or 250x or get another blaster maybe.
I might part my blaster out if I get enough people for parts, but as of right now I want to sell it as a whole. Or I might trade for another blaster with worked suspension if someone would like to. And thanks for the suggestions guys but I put too much money into my blaster already.
Have you pulled your clutch cover off to make sure your counter balancer dot is aligned to the gear to the left of it? Hell my bike has a little vibration but not like your describing....but if the counter balancer is off a tooth in either will vibrate the hell out of the bike...
oh ya...long live 2 strokes...if you get a 300ex you will find it kinda slow compared to what you have right now.
We tore apart the motor to put a new crank in but I never looked at the counter balancer. We once worked till like 11 pm and I was spinning the motor to make sure it turned good and accidentally slammed my pinky between two gears.
ouch!, lol
ya if you look at the counter balancer, there should be a gear to the left to it....(its been a while) They will each have a dot pressed on them...align the dots and it should be good to go
We tore apart the motor to put a new crank in but I never looked at the counter balancer. We once worked till like 11 pm and I was spinning the motor to make sure it turned good and accidentally slammed my pinky between two gears.

wtf thats ur blaster the red and black one shiddd id treat my parents like gold if they got me somethin like wen im 12
^^^ great quote i think he was talking to me.. lol


these dots need to line up
Yo blaster195 that's not my blaster in the sig I wish though. My blaster has no suspension work done on it, just motor work. And thanks again guys for the replies but I'm starting to think I'm just not used to my blaster since it was sitting for a while, and that the vibration is just something I wasn't used to in those mad powerful 2 strokes. Besides I never owned a 2 stroke quad before this but after this quad I learned a crap load of stuff I will never forget.
, do you have or recently installed nerf bars??? i noticed when i put mine on that it fibrated more, the front mounts bolted threw the front motor mount which seemed to make it vib alot more, and your young you will learn to like the 2 stroke vibration, you should have rode my cr 125 or my cr250, they were like riding a floor buffer!!!

and IF you go honda 4 stroke, go 250x or 400ex or 450r or the famous 250r.... the 300ex's SUCK!! id walked piped and jetted 300ex all day long on my old blaster when it had nothing but no lid and reeds, the 250x's are faster than the 300ex's for some reason
My buddy and his cousin have a 300ex and a 250x, and the 300ex runs the 250 down hard..with either rider on either bike...for some reason his 300ex is completly stock and can almost keep up with my blaster...and I can run my bike better than anyone of my friends..
Have you pulled your clutch cover off to make sure your counter balancer dot is aligned to the gear to the left of it? Hell my bike has a little vibration but not like your describing....but if the counter balancer is off a tooth in either will vibrate the hell out of the bike...

Agree! check it out

Your Blaster could be set up to out run a 300ex or 400ex
Those bikes are SLOW!