How Do I Make A Website.

May 18, 2012
Hi guys im wondering if anyone has made a website?(free) and one that actually lets you find it through google etc. just i made one on a site but its not letting me find it.

just im starting to fix 2 strokes on the side to make some cash and would like to make a website for it.

cheers I:I
u should capitalize ur sentences, see if u can change "page 2" to pictures, and also i would rename page 1 and 3 to something also. but otherwise looks good.
grammar grammar GRAMMAR! You want people to use your services, you probably want to look as professional as possible right?

On "page 2", make it easier for them to find the next page of pictures button, i saw it but i know what the dots mean i guess

Page names (my opinion)
1) Home.
2) Pictures.
3) Contact me.
Here, check out this website i just whipped out in half an hour

Pain to upload photos (thats why all of yours arnt there)

If you want that site i made, there might be a way to transfer it but idk