How big, is to big?


New Member
Feb 11, 2010
I know the blaster is a smaller quad, maybe compared to a 400EX or something. How big of a rider, is to big for the blaster? I see a lot of younger kids and smaller people riding them. Is it not fit for someone 6'1 or 230 pounds?
I think with some upgraded shocks and maybe a slightly longer swing arm, it may be a better fit and perform better. But thats just my thoughts, not a statement since Im not 100% sure.
im 5'11" 205 lbs and im still good to go on mine, like i said in the other thread my brother is 355lbs and my blaster will haul his ass around!! prolly not up a steep hill or anything bahahahaha I:I
I asked the same question a week ago.I am going to put a +4 swingarm and eventually extended front a arms.I asked the bros on the forum here about the swingarm and everyone recommended +4 or less.Unless you are drag racing you would need to go longer on the swinger.I am 6'4'' 230.I:I
Like I said earlier today in another thread I'm about 5'6" 155 and the blaster feels kinda small.... but thats just me... There's alot of bigger 6' + guys out there that ride blasters and with the right set shock, swinger, and stem its just right for them.
wow thanks guys! im going to research the banshee rear axle,a +4 swing arm and maybe reversing the front wheels.
I dont think there is a weight restriction on a blaster it is more so the size of the blaster that might make it not as comfy for the larger rider, as say compared to a larger quad... but if a blaster is what you are after and enjoy a smaller quad I say go for it! Blasters are a "blast" lol.