Hour meter

Yes, very nice to have. I actually built my own one, with a pic microcontroller and 16x2 lcd. Wired up to stator, so when motor is running, meter counts. A reset is possible, but an exact sequence must be followed.

Code and pcb layout available to those interested. Just pm me.
Yes, very nice to have. I actually built my own one, with a pic microcontroller and 16x2 lcd. Wired up to stator, so when motor is running, meter counts. A reset is possible, but an exact sequence must be followed.

Code and pcb layout available to those interested. Just pm me.

you ever play with arduino??

im assuming u play around with electronics?? or just that one thing?
so who's doing a rebuild after the recommended hours ?
are those hours easy or hard riding ?

routine compression tests are a better gauge of when a rebuild is needed
Engine hours are only a very rough guide to engine component wear.

If you fail to observe the warm up procedure, the engine will wear out in a very few hours.

Warm up, jet correctly, use good lubrication , practice maintenance properly and an engine will serve you well.

I recently pulled down the Lads 2005 engine which has had a lot of hard working hours put on it, and wear was very little, could still see the crosshatching in the bore and lathe marks on the piston skirt.
you ever play with arduino??

im assuming u play around with electronics?? or just that one thing?
Yes I do occasionally play with arduino, but 99% of the time I use pic micro. It as smaller and much cheaper. I am a electronic engineer, so yeah, I work with them quite often. A large percentage of my work is actually custom solutions for clients (I offer a design and prototyping service)