

Supporting Member
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Nov 16, 2012
Oroville, CA
Just stopping by to show the BF Family some love and give an update on the Owens Crew. We are hanging in there and making it through one day at a time. The kids and I have been super busy the past month or so with vacation and sports starting up. Mikaela the youngest is a cheerleader for the Oroville Eagles and just started the 4th grade today. Preston is now a Freshman at Oroville High and is a Frosh Football player. It is hard to believe it is another year of football that his dad will only be here for in spirit. Our oldest girl Abigail is now a sophomore at Oroville High and just recently got her driving permit. Man am I getting OLD haha. Our life has been hit again with a tragedy, but we are hopeful. Abigail's biological Uncle was being responsible by NOT driving drunk and was unfortunately hit by a drunk driver. He has a massive tear in his brain stem and is currently in a coma. He was given a small chance to survive, but he is a Fighter.. This accident happened Saturday 7/18/15 and we learned about it Sunday 7/19/15. Anyone see the similarities in dates?

Me well, I have been busy as a mom and the Treasurer for the Oroville Eagles.

I hope you all are well!

IMG_8457.JPG TigerPride.jpg Here we are in the start of a new football season without our beloved. #22Owens4theWin and #HighSchoolFootball
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Hi there beautiful lady, thank you for the update on your family.

We will be praying for Abagails uncle for a complete recovery.
Michael would be so proud of our boy, but I know he is watching over him and cheering him on from Heaven... It is so hard to believe how grown up they have become. I look at Preston and i am saddened and proud all at the same time.

Mikaela is growing up too fast as well :/ She is the middle girl

The last picture is of me and Abigail from up at Michael's memorial in Cohasset, CA.


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awesome pics Brandy, thanx for remembering us to share them with
Hello All..
I am just checking in to give you all an update of The Owens Clan. Preston has been a hard hitting machine with football and suffered his first injury in over 6 years. He has been playing to win so hard that he suffered from a concussion. He had to sit out at his last game which killed him :(. He has just been cleared to return back to football with just 3 games left this season. Mikaela went to her Cheer Competition last weekend and her team took 1st Place in Sideline Cheer. Yay Eagle Peewees. They are headed to State Cheer Comp Nov 1st. Her Peewee football squad also made the playoffs. So at minimum we have one more week of youth sports and three of high school. Abigail is doing well in school (3.67 gpa) and is looking at trying out for a sport and me well.... I am always on the GO. I am afraid to slow down because I am afraid of what will happen with time on my hands...woven blanket.jpg
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