hesitates until I reach higher RPM's or powerband ?

What size main jet would be the best for my set up/mods ? ( wiseco prolite piston, bored .020 over, wiseco performance crank, fmf gold series fatty pipe, powercore 2 silencer, vf3's, and no toil super-flo air filter with lid still on, but I plan on making or buying air box vents in the near future ) Thanks again for all the help. Especially you "slickerthenyou", Im confident you've just about solved my problem, just need some input on exactly what size main jet to move up to. And what if anything else I need to change or adjust.
We can only give you a range of jets to start with and then it'll be up to you to figure out which exact jet performs best by doing plug chops. If I were you, here's what I'd do:

1 Buy a leakdown tester from Slick for $30 and verify your motor is not leaking air
2 Buy a compression tester and make sure you're above 115 lbs
3 Pre-mix fresh premium fuel to 32:1
4 Install new spark plug
5 Buy a range of main jets from jetsrus.com between 270 & 310
6 Take the airbox lid off.
7 Install the 310 main jet
8 Get her running and adjust your air screw to the point where the motor idles the highest.
9 Once she's all warmed up, switch spark plugs to another new one and start plug chopping
10 Take pictures of your plug after the chop and share with your BF.COM buddies so we can see where you're at

Lastly, don't run your blaster any more with the 230 main jet in there unless you want to fry your piston!
Aright man will do, thanks for the input ! I just did a complete top and bottom end rebuild and you probably saved me from having to spend all that time and money doin another rebuild way before I should have had to again ! I'll order them jets tonight and post the results a.s.a.p. Thanks again !
I feel you are describing the problem I am having. I'll let you know when I figure it out. I will also be following this to see what your final result is.
I've been experimenting with different main jets and even at 260 she's showing and acting like the 260 is too rich at 32-1 and 40-1 gas to oil ratios ( excessive smoke and a little oil coming from my silencer ) It was running much better with the stock 230 main and mixing at 40-1. Before the rebuild (wiseco prolite piston, bored .020 over, and wiseco performance crank assembly ) I ran between 32-1 and 40-1 depending on how hard I was planning on riding that day with the stock main and never had a problem, but 32-1 is too much oil now. I was told by the dealer that I bought the jets from not to go over 240 and to leave the air box lid on, which I would prefer to do anyway. I know I need to repack my silencer so I'm gonna do that today and hopefully find the jetting and pre-mix my blaster wants. Any other advice would be appreciated as I'm ready to lose my mind ! Thanks fellas .
Changing the oil/fuel ratio, also changes the air/fuel ratio. Every oil ratio change, may require a main jet change.

More oil = less fuel, you run lean and dangerous.

Less oil = more fuel, you may run rough, but safe.

Stick with one oil/fuel ratio, preferably 32:1.

The correct air/fuel mixture can found by performing plug chops, it is not a smart idea to just guess and hope for the best, guessing can cost a lot of dollars.
I hear you bro your 100% right about that, and thanks for all the advice you've been helping me out a lot through this whole problem. I just ordered replacement vf3 reeds, I really think that's part of my problem due to not closing/sealing all the way. They should be here Friday, once I get those in I'm hopin my blaster will run normal so I can start plug chopping again and hopefully ill be able to solve this problem for good !