heres a vid of what my blaster doing


New Member
Apr 15, 2009
so plz help me. ive tried everything tors has been romoved. wiring is right just checked everything. tried 2 diff carbs stock exhaust and the fmf 2 diff sparkplug coils 2 diff intake boots u name it ive tried it.

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yea ive tried everything the exhaust has no packing in it also so i does sound wierd. but man this is makin me mad ive tried everything
hmm. it prob wouldnt make the change. but i would pack the silencer to keep the back pressure. but to be honest, im kinda stumped on this one. sorry but i dont want to lead you down the wrong trail, know what i mean? lol
dont run it anymore please for the sake of that engine. somethings defently wrong but my guess is the crank bearing went (slightly, not full blown or you'd have a rod through the bottom) and its hitting the bottom of the crank case. video quality sucks but sorta sounds like when my crank bearing went.
the reeds r perfect, yea the exhaust has no packing but if u notice i hold the gas floored in that video and it almost dies. my other blaster has a rod bearing out so i know bout that im not ruling that out but i just dnt think thats it. im still thinking electrical somehow someway but ive checked and double checked.somebody on e2s said ebrake but the ebrake has been removed by previous owner so idk bout that
umm i thought about that also but the tranny fluid is still normal right in the middle of tha gas. i research crank seal in the search box and i found a thread that said pour some of ur gas in a dish then put some of ur tranny fluid in there light it with a torch and if its the smell coming out of ur exhaust then its a crank seal so i had to try it and it doesnt smell like my exhaust lol