Help with paypal


New Member
Jan 13, 2010
Hey guys i need some help, i am selling an ipod to someone and im not quite sure how to do anything. He gave me his zip code and i got the prices of shipping and everything but now i don't know what else to do before i ship the ipod.
Pay Pal will NOT send info in a email!Don't fall for that.You have to go to the paypal web site to see if it was paid for.Do not ship to anywhere in Africa!
if the money is sent and confirmed,theres no reason not to ship. 1 persons bad experience isnt everyones. Ive never had a problem with CL,just need to e smart enough to weed out the scammers.

exactly, if you've received the money already there's not reason to ship it
@ weeks ago ,there was a scam on the Delaware Cl where they was selling a car and when the people whent to look at it,got robed at gun point.It happen to two people .
@ weeks ago ,there was a scam on the Delaware Cl where they was selling a car and when the people whent to look at it,got robed at gun point.It happen to two people .
see thats the problem,when i by something i ALWAYS go with "back-up" i always have a friend with me and meet somewhereout in the open,or a very watched place.
How can you say they are stuped if it's there first time selling on Cl and useing PayPal.If they don't know,It's easy to get scamed.

Ever hear the quote "if you dont know what ur doing,dont do it" well just like the O.P. on this thread,hes asking questions aout..exactly what you should do. not "oh,look that cheap...heres my credit card" thats how u get ripped.
Not fall for the fake PayPal email.

uhh dude, them emails aren't fake if they are from "" or whatever their email is. It's pretty obvious just to look at the senders email address and you'll know if its from paypal and you will find out whether is legit or not. I've never heard of a fake email from paypal.
ya the guy hasn't paid yet i was just wondering how he would pay like transfer money from his account to my account or what

paypal takes money directly from whatever form of payment you want, credit card or bank account, then transfers it directly into the sellers paypal account