help me please.!!!


New Member
Aug 19, 2008
egg harbor township, new jersey
ok well my bike was running great till the other night. went out i jetted it about 3 days prior. it was running great. 280 main. so i was out and i went to hit it and it like spit at me. from mid to top end. in the high rpms. (powerband) gets alot worse when i try to hit it in like 5th and sixth. 3rd seems pretty good. and first and second are great. i have put a 300 main in still same thing. put a 270 in ran ehh pretty much the same. did a plug chop today with the 270 and it looks like a light brown marshmellow lol. i was gonna go to the store and get a new spark plug. this all happend when i mixed up sum gas (fresh tank) and then went ridin and this. a mechanic i know said it could be sumthing electric like a coil or stator. idk if thats what it is. but i need help. and tryin to read it all is difficult so if u really wanna help me out a phone call would be the best. if u wanna call me let me know. but if not please explain to best knowledge in a dummy way so i can understand it veryyyyy easy on what i gotta do. thanks
if it was reeds it would spit all the time and if it was the flywheel chances are it wouldnt start at all.....since it runs fine in the lower gears and only spits in the high gears....that makes me think it is carb issue....
take ur carb off take it apart and clean it real good, remove all the jets and clean and while its off u can take off the reed cage and inspect the reeds
ok was just out there for a couple hours taking it apart putting my 280 main back in i actually liked the 270 better so im gonna put it back in when i f*ck with it again. but i put new base gasket made sure no air leaks were happening new exhaust gasket was gonna adjust my needle but ron said it was good cause it was on the 2nd line from the top. so put that back together (which is diffffficult) then tested it and tryed to do a plug chop but it was being gay like surging im thinnking now. i think i need a new stator. any imput?
check your fly wheel key.......put the needle in the middle.....check the it surging cutting out spitting back gunna try my best to get you riding for sunday
i still have the same problem. but heres what i eliminated, i put a new cdi new coil new plug new filter a 300 jet a 280 jet and a 270 jet. took the head off and put some yama-bond to make sure no air is getting threw. kept the gaskets on just put one new one and sum yama-bond. checked the reeds. cleaned the carb. made sure all connections were good. even swapped out carbs b4. tors removed. it was removed correctly wayyyy b4 this happend. im at wits end. guy at the shop said that if it was a stator problem that i would KNOW. please help guys i wanna rip this snow apart tomorrow hurrrrrrry