ok well my bike was running great till the other night. went out i jetted it about 3 days prior. it was running great. 280 main. so i was out and i went to hit it and it like spit at me. from mid to top end. in the high rpms. (powerband) gets alot worse when i try to hit it in like 5th and sixth. 3rd seems pretty good. and first and second are great. i have put a 300 main in still same thing. put a 270 in ran ehh pretty much the same. did a plug chop today with the 270 and it looks like a light brown marshmellow lol. i was gonna go to the store and get a new spark plug. this all happend when i mixed up sum gas (fresh tank) and then went ridin and this. a mechanic i know said it could be sumthing electric like a coil or stator. idk if thats what it is. but i need help. and tryin to read it all is difficult so if u really wanna help me out a phone call would be the best. if u wanna call me let me know. but if not please explain to best knowledge in a dummy way so i can understand it veryyyyy easy on what i gotta do. thanks