help me please.!!!

ok so since no one wanted to help me i think i figred it out on my own. i took my petcock out of the gastank and sure enough it was clogged and clogged bad! cleaning it with hot water and blew threw it to makesure i got everything. and then i put sum orange hand cleaner in a bucket 3 squirts with reallly hot water. put that in the tank and shook it then drained it. now waiting to go to the store to get oil and sum gas so i hope thats what it is!!!!but im pettttty sure it is.
ok so i thought i figured it out cause i pulled out the petcock on the gas tank and it was clogged and badly. so i cleaned it all out went to the store with high hopes got the klotz got the super mixed 32:1 and ripped it down the street and it went great!!!!! well so i go ok lets go to the pit and do some riding. wellll not so good it did the same sh*t. it was bogging and not trying to hit power band. i think my carb needs to be cleaned i dont think the float bowl is filling up constant. would this sound like my case? please tell me and i will do my carb in a bit
if it ran better with the lid on then you are lean with the lid off.......when you put the lid back on you restricted some air flow and richined it up that why it ran better
ok so i did that and it didnt work i put it on and didnt work. its still running like sh*t. and still runs better when the air box lid is on. and when i put the 300 main in it idles real high. but i am running into like 345 dollars so im thinking im a send my engine to kennedy
or the floats are sticking, now and then, affecting all the jetting circuts not just mains,try dropping the needle clip 1 slot too,
once i found a groove on the inside of the little posts where the float pin goes thru, filed that groove flat adjudsted my floats to spec(20 - 21.5mm) and wallaaaa, ran great
pull the float needle out while your in there, could be some dirt stuck in there or even wore out
still sounds like a carb problem...sending the motor out won't fix that...unless you upgrade carb too