HELP! Blaster just bogs down

BIG K 4484

New Member
Sep 20, 2009
After i was riding my blaster around for a little bit i was about to start heading home so i began to downshift into like 3rd or 4th gear and when i went to hit the gas again it began to bog down and it eventually stalled out. so i sat on the trail trying to get it to move because i was sitting in neutral and trying to rev the engine and after the throttle got to a certain point it would bog down and eventually stall. So after a while of that i managed to get it to move at a very low rpm and get home. let me tell you right now, i'm very new to fourwheeling so im not very sure about there workings. so me being a novice, i guessed it was an overheating issue so i let it sit till the next day and started it up but i have the same problem. so i replaced the plug with and brand new one and it still does it. The blaster is all stock with oil injection and the year is 2000. I NEED HELP PLEASE!!!!
yea sounds like gas man...mine did that and i was out of gas b/c my carb pisses out all the gas from the overflow..but yeah throw it on reserve and see if that was your problem? if not maybe your jets are clogged
hold on don't do any of that check by your clutch there is a parking brake if it i pulled out or anything push it in it might be out that is what happened to me just look at the parking brake and if it is pulled out a little push it back in and hold it there well you are starting it
I can tell you know it is one of two things your main jet is blocked or your hanbrake is stuck or the wire inside the hand brake broke off. there was a member on here that had the same problem and it was his hand brake that had a loose\broken wire inside that caused it.
just go thru and do all the quick and easy stuff, clean your carb real good, check your reeds, take out and clean your petcock real good, put another brand new plug in.
Ugh I hated when my E-Brake wire broke. That could be it... it sets some sort of rev-limiter on it... really dumb. If its not your carb like everyone else is saying I would check that out.
sounds like reeds mate, one of the petals probaly maybe that there chipped. mine done this, it would kick over but as soon as you rev out it bogs as its flooding.
or like others said clean out carb, new plug and try again.
Well i was talking to one of my friends who i ride with and he told me to check the reeds and sure enough taht was it so i bought some new ones and i was out riding the next day. Thanks Guys. o and i did clean the jets and carb and there was nothing there. day by day im getting more familiar with this great piece of machinery.