Help am I running lean...


Jan 24, 2018
Hey guess I know this question been asked a million times but I gotta ask again... I have a blaster just had a 3mil installed and some port work done stock mini 26mm with a 250 main also has a full fmf exhaust and airbox lid off is that to lean...
just the lid off probably needs a 250 and the FMF alone requires at least a 270
I always recommend buying 270 thru 310 main jets for the FMF pipe, start large with plug chops and work down

we've tuned and ran FMF/lid off blasters here with 290 and 300 mains, at 1800' elevation in summer temps
lower elevations will need richer, higher elevations leaner
then rejet richer 1-2 sizes for cooler fall/winter temps