Hello from Plymouth Mass

Brian C

New Member
Dec 27, 2016

Just found this forum. New here but I belong to many message boards on several different topics. Bands, pop up campers, etc.

Just purchased a 2006 Special Edition Blaster for my 14 yr old son for a grand. It needs a little TLC and new plastic. The previous owner kept it in pretty decent condition. I've had a 95 Warrior for 15 years, so I'm definitely a fan on Yamaha. I'm about to purchase a Grizzly with a plow if the guy will come down on the price a little.

I gave it a once through and found a few small issues. First thing I need is a new threaded shaft for the kickstart. The splines are ok for the Kickstart arm but there's no nut to keep it from falling off. The threads for the lock nut are stripped. Not sure if a thread chaser would be better than replacing it.

I'll look around and repost this in the appropriate thread.

Welcome Brian. Glad to see you made it to blaster forum. I already left some feedback on your issue in your thread. If you have issues repairing it lmk and I can make time to come help you fix it. But you may owe me a dinner at isaacs. lol