

New Member
Jan 13, 2010
For the last year I raced a suzuki kingquad 450 on the local harescramble series. This year i plan on racing the blaster i've been fixing. Needless to say, I need some coaching when it comes to manual transmission... How do you guys take on big hills? What gear is best to go into them? How far down do you downshift? How do you control the front end from lifting so much?
the key is to to try and keep the engine at the powerband. take as much speed into a hill as u can, and down shift when u feel the engine is about to lose acceleration, hard to explain in text realy
Took the day off to practice for this Sunday's local harescramble race in kentucky. Seems like it's all gona be 2nd and 3rd gear in the woods... Here short video

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in a harscramble you want to be consistant not go thru as fast as you can you will get wore out fast

just go at a steady pace then when you get the white flag for the last lap let it all out
So the race was a blast for as long as it lasted. Crazy hills up and down. Tons of bikes showed up (of which there were a couple of sick blasters). Unfortunately for me, after 10minutes of crazy up and down action, the ball joint on my right lower A-arm decided to take a vacation and completely came off the A-arm. I have to admit the A-arms were very old. I am also using the norman spindle set up for front hydros. Having this said, how could this happen? Did I miss something on the setup with the norman spindles or is this what happens eventually to all old A-arms?

