
i agree. but hey some ppl like top quality (altho TO ME doesnt matter when it comes to handguards) and are willing to pay. as for me, ahhh it all depends. i wouldnt for handguards tho. i'd get used ones to and restore the plastics I:I BUT im searching CL and ebay as we speak for a set. if i come across some used pairs of powermadds im getting them! lol
na i bought the ones u was looking at. im a dumbass. when i bought it i forgot to specify the color so i ebay msg him for red ones. hopefully he gets it and not send a pink one! i'll send it back! but he has a 100% feedback so he must be good. he wouldnt wanna mess that up.
no hell send u reds i messaged him too cause i forgot to tell him the color and he replied and posted tracking number!! hes good i get them this monday I:I im thinking about getting a twist throttle so the bulky thumb one doesnt get in the way
damn u bought them too? and did the same sh*t i did?? LMAO forgot to add the note?? but yo he didnt repky back to me! i msg him twice! hes in AZ so im not gonna get them til like weds IF he ships it tmrw. maybe thurs.
I got mine for $35 they are called Outlaws. I buy alot from that brand and it all works great. They look cheap with a poly mount but they held up to 7 rolls in a row at 35mph.
i like it! yo i ordered mine the SAME time u did, i dont have a track # no reply NOTHING! WTF! i know im on the east coast but i still shouldve gotten a track#. did u??

I Did, E Mail him Again But Anyways the default color he sends it is black and that should look good on ur bike too red or blak if u ask me theyre both good!!
heres my blaster with the guards. i got them in today I:I
Very Sick Did You Have To Do Fabbing Or It Was Screw And Go Right. A Little Alen Wrench Did the Trick For Me Looking Good!!I:I
it was a lil harder for the throttle side bc i put the body between the throttle and brake lever and i remove the the plastic brace but everything was good. nothing rubs. looking at i think i shoulda bought the blacks ones but they still look great I:I