got some money need suggestions

lol but wont i need a brake cable and chain? how much do u think that would be? i wanna get a 400ex shock for sure

i know you need a longer chain, but idk about the brake cable. i think u should get a 400ex shock, they are really comfy:)
you could get some new reed valves, like vforce's, or you could get a new air filter like uni, or twin air.
yea well i also have some problems with my quad right now. not sure on wat the hell it is. but its boggin up real bad and i put the air box lid back on with my 280 main and them damn thing was running pretty good. way better then it was.
yea well i also have some problems with my quad right now. not sure on wat the hell it is. but its boggin up real bad and i put the air box lid back on with my 280 main and them damn thing was running pretty good. way better then it was.

checking ur plug would be a good idea before you ride it again let us know what color it is.
You could do front shee shocks.Just look on ebay and cl for good deals.Thats how i got my FMF pipe for $60 and my V3 for $50.Great deals are out there! You just have to hunt for them.
haha i would say extend. yes u will have to get a chain and a cable.

i would also agree with trying the 300.
yup jet it up first, and then check in out. then i would extend the swinger, that'll probably eat up a chunk of that 170
if your running a stock filter, i would do that first. go get yourself a uni. and then put that 300 in there. i run a procirctui pipe and an fmf silencer, and run atleast a 300, sometimes a 330, with no airbox, and a uni