got my wisdom teeth out yesterday.


Sep 15, 2008
i thought id share. the first thing i did when i woke up was take pics lol

yea diddo. all 4 impacted 1 was in my sinus and one was hitting my nerve in my jaw and 2 had sists (sp?) around them
ya i have to get surgery to get mine removed, im so scared i had to book an appointment a year in advance then they called the other day but i cancelled it cuz i was scared lol
nope lol thats why its funny. there is five or six but most you cant see anything. i only know it was so soon because the nurse told me i woke up and just took out my phone lol
I got to get mine out soon, i was at the dentist and he asked my age i said 15 he was like gotta check your wisdom teeth gave me an xray, told me to wait then he came in and told me i gotta get them pulled they are impacted, so i'm dreading it lol
i had my four back teeth taken out wen i was like 8 then my wisdom teeth started growin so had them really early.. let me keep the teeth too an they stunk like hell after a year or two :L:L:L
i had my teeth removed about 3 wks ago
apparently i was singing during it and when i woke up i wanted to walk out by myself but hte nurse wouldnt let me lol
over all though it wasnt painful i only took 5 or 6 of my hydros