Ave you read the jetting article? Someone post a link I'm on my cell. Your air screw adjusted 1-2 turns out? Be sure all clamps are tight that hold carb to reeds.
Ave you read the jetting article? Someone post a link I'm on my cell. Your air screw adjusted 1-2 turns out? Be sure all clamps are tight that hold carb to reeds.
i messed around with the idle adjustment screw and the air screw and it seems to be idling now . hopefully itll stay like that . and i noticed that when i put the air lid on the deep noise go away . i cant keep my air lid on ?
i run no airbox in sloppy conditions all the time with no issues. but you need to up your jet size if you want to leave it off because its lettin alot more air in when its off.
i was running a 148 main with the air lid off and the plug seemed a bit lean so i brought it up to 152 . should i check 152 with air lid on or off ?
check it how you are going to run it, if you plan on leaving the lid on test it that way if you plan on leaving it off test it that way. taking the lid off is a way to improve airflow and gain a bit of power but you just have to remember the lid is not there and not submarine the blasty
alright gotcha il leave it off then . i got another problem . i tried starting it this morning and it didnt wanna start until after a bunch of kicks and putting the coke on a couple times . its kinda getting me frustrated . how can i get it to start good , idle good and just be reliable
it will once you get the carb dialed in, what did you premix the gas at?
dialing in the carb is so complicated i dont think il ever get it right . it seems like the bowl get dried after a while . i premixed it at 32:1 . 4oz per gallon
nah unless you petcock is horribly dirty or way out of adjustment floats no way is the bowl getting sucked dry. if you pull the fuel line off the carb does it just flow out good from the tank? you say there is no idle adjustment on the carb anywheres?
i changed the pet weiner brand new , how do u adjust the float it might be that . and yes it does have idle adjustment screw it helps but when u turn it off and wait till it cools down and turn back on the idling and turning on problem is back
any chance you can get a vid of what it is doing? if its s keihin carb thier web site should tell ya what the float specs should be. what happens if you turn the idle adjustment all the way up and start it? have you messed with teh tension of your throttle cable at all?
wheres the float vavle and y would it get stuck the carb is clean its new . and i have to change the carbs setting everytime the temperature changes a lil ? but no temperature hasnt changed . yea to me its either a jetting issue or a float issue but im not sure im not so good with carbs .is the float valve getting stuck?
also you said you had it idling good, but now it doesn't. how much of a temp change has there been since you got it idling.
also at idle, a bowl should not run dry.
it sounds like a jetting issue.
check to see what clip your needle is set to.
move it up one position and see how it idles.
a spec of dirt or something could have gotten into there, you never know.
and for major temp change of like 20F or so, you should have to change your jets, along with major elevation change.
the higher elevation, the less dense the air, the hotter the temp, the less dense the air.
when you take the carb off, the float valve is attached to the floats.
the float and valve
location of where the valve goes
and you adjust the float by bending that tab, just a little at a time.
i have no clue what they mean by enlarged, i found there pictures, but the inlet is where the gas from your tank comes into the carb.
and you bend the tab up to have the valve close earily to allow less fuel into the bowl, you bend it down to allow more fuel into the bowl.