Got Blasty #2 back the other day....

Racer X

New Member
Jan 10, 2009
This is the 2nd Blasty that my wife bought from a friend last fall. Was told that it was just rebuilt when actually it needs a rebuild. But after wasting $500 on it and having tons of drama to unfold afterwards i finally got it back and now have a pic of it.

And yea i know its a piece of junk (now) but i was still a rookie then so leave me alone!! =))=))

Will be keeping the motor, bumper and bars off of it and the back tires are shot but everything else off of it ill be selling in the "For Sale" section if anyone needs anything. I:I

It doesn't look like it's in bad shape.Throw a few bucks into it and keep it for a beater.
dont look bad at all to me, other than the bald tires! How much for the motor, bumper and bars? lol jk
yeah id keep it hell my pink bike im building looks worse than that whats the deal with the nurfs they look bent maybe?what u want for them?
yeah id keep it hell my pink bike im building looks worse than that whats the deal with the nurfs they look bent maybe?what u want for them?

I am thinking by bars he meant nerf bars instead of handle bars. But, we will have to wait to see what he says to confirm.