Your missing a color........ lol either way it looks cool. Next question does it work?! I seen where a guy got tired of his wife parking to close to hs tool boxes so he mounted one on the wall and a sensor that would trip the light when she was to a certain point
I think the light is cool but that counter top is FAR too well organized and clean. It needs junk piled all over and random liquids just seeping out of the pile...
Our one weird teacher has one that goes off of people are too loud. It has the yellow light come on if you're sorta loud and then the red comes on with a siren if it's really loud. Of course I "accidently" dropped my books a few times to make the red go off XD
you know, in SA we call traffic lights "robots" i have never heard anyone call them traffic lights, sure we know thats what they are but thats not what we call them.