got a new tattoo

what your sayin i didnt get my sh*t for $35 or you dont think i got a tat at all?

haha whoa calm down there little billy its just a joke around here, whevever someone says they have something cool SOMEBODY always says "pics or you are lying" its just a funny way to ask to see pics of it. :)
hahaha.. wait tell you get one on your wrists... lol

The man aint lying the wrist is brutal!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The the next worst is the rib cage and next would be the throat area, feels like you are being choked.............

Tat came out nice Bagobones............

And dam AJ 180 for a sleeve where is that Philly state prison LOL........

My sleeve took over 52 hours and a year of going every 2-3 weeks.
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:) Nice tat.. Im a collector my self :D My dude's lil brother has this sh*t on his neck man ! he is a crazy mofo lol Think i got a pic lol let me dig this up for ya guys.. We laughed at him cause its not even straight ! haha

Ok here it is lmao I actually saved it on my cell phone I:I


I forgot the best part ! This dude is so lazy and broke he dont have a job nor a bike lmao I asked him Why Fox bro? He was like I dont know I was drunk HAHA Tattoos are great fun but also permanent :D be smart kids tattoos last longer than puppies ! hahah :P
:) Nice tat.. Im a collector my self :D I forgot the best part ! This dude is so lazy and broke he dont have a job nor a bike lmao I asked him Why Fox bro? He was like I dont know I was drunk HAHA Tattoos are great fun but also permanent :D be smart kids tattoos last longer than puppies ! hahah :P

Great point here^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tattoos are a part of your everyday life dont do something youare going to regret in a few years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All my tatts have meaning and or have something to do with my life......
yea thats why i got mines. and that dudes on his neck aint so bad i like it but not on my neck lol. i got mines cause i ride and always will and everytime i seen someone with a fox shirt hat or hoodie ect. i know they either ride quads and dirtbikes or bicycles which is still riding. im happy with the way mine came out especially for 20 bucks. and whoever that dude was that got mad. lol na dude i aint sayin ur lying just wanna see em lol. lets see some tats you guys have i thkn i seen urs fed
This is the only one I can get a pic of by myself LOL. I will have the old lady take a pics of the rest later. This one is a eagle holding a human heart over a old tall ship crashed into rocks and skulls and sh*t. It is nowhere near done I only have 19 houre in so far.

I have a bunch more....... HEHEHEHEHE

Oh I cant get it to spin right so turn your monitor sideways LOL.
if you really were bi polar. youd be less inclined to say just cant control yourself, which is a mental downfall

haha dude dont try and play me. i think i would know im bipolar if i have been to a psycologist and was on meds for it. look em up i was on depacote risperdal and a couple others those are the 2 i member. so please. and i dont go around sayin i am just to say it u dont think i feel like a dumbass cause of it. lol dude mind ur buisness. sh*t head!
haha dude dont try and play me. i think i would know im bipolar if i have been to a psycologist and was on meds for it. look em up i was on depacote risperdal and a couple others those are the 2 i member. so please. and i dont go around sayin i am just to say it u dont think i feel like a dumbass cause of it. lol dude mind ur buisness. sh*t head!

i have a couple problems with this thread now. not you not hatin by any means chief. just know what your talking about is all. 1. posting in a thread and openly exposing yourself makes it EVERYONES business. 2. im pretty sure im not a sh*t head. i think i would know. and 3, im 100% positive that a psychologist in NJ doesnt have the authority to perscribe you medication. you would have to go to a psychiatrist. being a psychology major and all...i would think im aware of this. there are only a handful of states that allow psychologists to perscribe meds.I:I
i have a couple problems with this thread now. not you not hatin by any means chief. just know what your talking about is all. 1. posting in a thread and openly exposing yourself makes it EVERYONES business. 2. im pretty sure im not a sh*t head. i think i would know. and 3, im 100% positive that a psychologist in NJ doesnt have the authority to perscribe you medication. you would have to go to a psychiatrist. being a psychology major and all...i would think im aware of this. there are only a handful of states that allow psychologists to perscribe meds.I:I

right on then w.e it was i seen like 3 and been prescibed mad meds. but f*ck it. and sorry for callin u a sh*t lol idk my bad lol ur right im wrong but i have been diagnosed with it bt i wasnt trin to talk about this lol wanted to talk about my tattoooooo lol