i found a yfz that is a basket case its all in pieces and is a special editon for 800 and has everything except motor and a-arms and rear axle and shocks but i have shocks is this a good deal http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/for/2277620665.html
could be a lifetime project my friend...i wouldnt even know where to start...and idk how hard it would be to find a motor for the bike...On all my time on CL i have only seen one motor up for sale and it was $1200...A-arms/axle would be easy to find though...
I wouldn't pay $800 for that. I wouldn't even pay $400 for it. If you don't have A-arms, axle, engine, shocks, carb, etc.........you don't have much of anything besides "this and thats". Granted all those parts will be scrapped anyways because you will buy aftermarket, but at least you can sell the stock parts. For essentially just a frame, I'd just say to hell with it.......hell I'd probably just get an aftermarket frame too.
O HELL NO Most of what's left aren't parts that are worth much or need replacing except rear shock. I wouldn't pay much more than that for a good roller for a hybrid.
I wouldn't give 200 for it as it is not even a roller! You can buy a blaster that runs for 800. Save your cash and you can buy one running for like 2500 around here.
its worth 400bucks if that because its guaranteed there will be crap missing, and like some stated a used stock motor is gunna run 1500, and for fresh built motor with some quality parts will run 2k and more and suspension components will easily run another 2k or more for quality run of the mill parts nothing even fancy...not a good buy when you can buy a complete unit for 2k around here since '04s thru '07s are dime a dozen since everyone had one before the economy tanked out