Going To Be Making Some Cash Guys :)

May 18, 2012
Hi so i had a thought other night iv been working on my own quads and bikes for the past 4-6 years and i do all my work myself including full rebuilds only thing i don't do is the barrel rebored or replated so i had a thought and put a ad up on a local site about fitting pistons etc and iv had a few texts about people wanting things done.

if your in the uk and need anything done to your engine let me know but seems to be going well so all is good :)
Cool Mate make that money bro !!

will do man :p just a bugger as i dinny drive lol a few of them are a good bit away lol but hopefully someone closer will call lol but iv got it as if they need a piston fitted they supply the piston and gaskets and il fit it for £30 which is about $45. but i checked my local shops and there wanting £150 for a top rebuild and thats just for labour!lol
Hey if they want the work done make them bring it to you !!! , especially if they are saving a pile of loot from having a shop do it !! Good Luck !!!
Hey if they want the work done make them bring it to you !!! , especially if they are saving a pile of loot from having a shop do it !! Good Luck !!!

yeah man good point!lol a guy wanted me to look at his pitbike for him but iv not a clue on they pit bike electrics so i passed hes got it the pitbike up for sale as a non runner so hes obviously not keeping it and not doing work then him selling it.
Its a great plan and I wish you luck! Coming from a guy who used to do this himself with lawn equipment, just remember to do good work and be honest. You'll eventually have more work than you can handle. Word of mouth is a great reference, and word travels fast! Also, don't be afraid to charge people a fair price for services rendered. I mean, you can still charge less than a pro shop and still make some good money.
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Ive been debating on doing this down in york, let me know if you hear anyone down my end and ill be sure to let you know if I hear anyone needing anything up there!
I can get rebores for £25 and gasket sets for like like £20 delievered, so it would be like £150 for me to do a full top end rebuild and re bore down here including rebore, piston, gaskets and work
I can get rebores for £25 and gasket sets for like like £20 delievered, so it would be like £150 for me to do a full top end rebuild and re bore down here including rebore, piston, gaskets and work

yeah man im thinking of making a facebook for mines but im not sure how to lol but i have said on ad that people can either supply parts or i can order them but they need to give me cash as not buying things for them not to want it lol but where you get rebores for £25? a thought that was more expensive lol but if you ever need anything done yourself man let me know but you will probably do it yourself anyway lol
Its a great plan and I wish you luck! Coming from a guy who used to do this himself with lawn equipment, just remember to do good work and be honest. You'll eventually have more work than you can handle. Word of mouth is a great reference, and word travels fast! Also, don't be afraid to charge people a fair price for services rendered. I mean, you can still charge less than a pro shop and still make some good money.

Thanks For Advice Man! Have Some Rep! yeah im only trying to make some cash mate to pay for my fuel for quad and track fees. but also will be putting cash away for my mods :D im going back to my adult education course and going on a mechanic course specifically for bikes and quads so i will have £45 a week coming in from that too :)
also a little story my mums fiance is a QUALIFIED Mechanic Apparently. so it start i got a malaguti 50cc powerband bike as non runner needed put back together. it needing piston put on it as well as guy bought it brand new but never fitted it as his son lost interest and i got it for £40 anyway at that time i didn't know how to put piston rings on so my mums fiance done it and he used a screwdriver to do yes no lies a screwdriver!lol and it wouldn't start. he went away took the head of and the rings were broken. so i put it up for sale as needing the piston rings and i sold it for £100 but the one thing i learned was i was only 15 at the time and i was able to put piston rings in my yz i had back then and it started up first time. also learned never to let him near any of my bikes ! haha especially my blaster but il be doing the work to it anyway :p ever heard of someone putting rings in with a screwdriver lol
Yeah I can get things pretty cheap due to knowing people, rebores at £25, i get sand blasting and powder coating rediculously cheap, ive had 2 done 1 cost £50 the other cost £90, i get stuff like that so let me know if you hear of anyone near me and ill pm you my number and ill deffinetly tell you if i hear of anyone up there.. You on QuadsUK forum?
Yeah I can get things pretty cheap due to knowing people, rebores at £25, i get sand blasting and powder coating rediculously cheap, ive had 2 done 1 cost £50 the other cost £90, i get stuff like that so let me know if you hear of anyone near me and ill pm you my number and ill deffinetly tell you if i hear of anyone up there.. You on QuadsUK forum?

will do man :) if i ever need a rebore for my quad or someones im fixing il let you know and il post it to you. and im not mate never heard of it lol