god I love cl

yamaha blaster

New Member
Jun 15, 2008
For all you hunters out there you know what kind of a deal this is I was searching for my new bow and found this climber tree stand. Well so the story goes I started bow hunting bout two years ago and was to much of a chicken sh*t to get a hang on stand so I bought a latter stand. Now two years later I can't stand latter stand becuase you can't put it rite above a deer trail and so I went out and bout a hang on stand. I didn't use my latter stand mabye 5 times this year so I am gunna call this guy and see if he will trade. I hope he does I love climbers my cuz let me use his prolly 10 or 15 times and I fell in love with them.
THATS A SICK STAND...and man are they pricey.....but im not realy for tree stands, mainly ground blinds...i only rifle and muzzloader and shot gun hand so i dont really have much use for stand, but good deal though
So I went and picked up my treestand yesterday and holy sh*t its brand new and I found a matthews solo Q2 its and $1300 bow and I think I can get it for like $350 that was also a cl find.=)
CL rocks man i've sold and bought so much stuff i get on there all the time now since i have the web on the celly, my freinds are addicted now too
Yea you connect it to the tree both the bottom and top part then you step on the bottom and move the top part up and pull up with the bottom. You keep doing this until you get as high as you want to be but going down is a biotch.