hey guys ive got a bigfoot i got LAST christmas and its been running good and im good with bigger 2 stroke motors (quads) and ive run into a problem, i was riding and it and it bogged out and died... i pushed it home and found out there was a small hole in the pumper ball so i replaced it, and now its acting funny, its running but i didnt have a powerband so i did the gas cap thing and fixed that but it will run for about 30 seconds then bog and die, i sandblasted the plug so it helped a little bit but it will only run for a little bit and then bogs out, and the bottom end is terrbile, i know its not so great on a 2 stroke but still... and when i do hit the power band there rev hang? i was thinking airleak maybe? any help would be good, thanks!!! its got a alot of mods