getting a new cell phone today


New Member
Apr 28, 2009
well i can finally upgrade to a better cell phone. im on the verizon network.
im thinking of the motorola rival. any suggestions
the phone i get has to have a Qwerty keypad. it will not have interenet
enV Touch I:I

Great sturdy phone. I broke 4 Voyagers from riding my quad and then I got this beast and haven't broke it yet. The voyagers lasted 1-3 months a piece, this is going on 6 months and works like the day I got it. Good keyboard, easy texting, decent battery life, my opinion just an all around great phone.

As for Droids, if you are looking for an iPhone-like-phone, get one of the HTC phones.
ok well the droid and other htc phones cost way to much. my dad has the env touch and i dont want the same as him. i was thinking about the voyager but i dont know if i would like the touch except for playing games.
any other ideas?
if you get a motorola, you can go to ebay and for $7 download the motorola phone tools, they allow you to connect your phone to the computer and get the pics and vids off straight to the puter, and also use itunes to make ringtones and put them on your phone, it will also save your contacts so if ya lose the phone, you'll be able to load them into your new one???? i just like the motorola's with this setup
ok well the droid and other htc phones cost way to much. my dad has the env touch and i dont want the same as him. i was thinking about the voyager but i dont know if i would like the touch except for playing games.
any other ideas?

They no longer make the Voyager. The Voyager is now the enV Touch.
i like my env3 its pretty bulletproof hasnt broke in 2months others phones hardly last a month
I have a HTC Fuze/Diamond and it's a great phone. I have it on AT&T and got it for free, not sure how it is for other providers. It comes with Windows Mobile 6.1. the only phone I would get instead of it is an IPhone.
well guys i ended up getting the samsung intensity
the people at verizon told me that they get a ton of people coming in having problems with that phone plus they standardized it about 15 days ago so that if you get a phone such as the rival you have to pay the extra 10 a month for internet and my dad is not paying that.
so far i like the intensity does everything i need it to except it cannot record video
Get that indestructible one from motorola, i believe its the barrage, that thing is a tank, i dropped my quad frame on it and its still chugging along just fine.
if you wait, its a possibility that vzw will get the iphone. that thing on vzw's network will be sicktarded, if they dont lock down the O.S. ....but if we do get it, i dont think apple will let us take away any usability. the first blackberry storm was highly returned, dont know about the second.
HTC Droid are nice me and my friend have them and he had the iphone and prefers the droid.. i would say droid its not expensive i got mine for $100 from verizon that was a month ago they are now $80
i have the lg dare and i haven't had any problems with it yet and i have had it for about 5 months now.

I got the same phone, i hate it lol... It's extremly strong.. I've thrown it against my wall before and it just put a hole in the wall.. Nothing happened to the screen or phone. The second time I did that I messed up the screen and they just sent me a brand new one free of charge.