general HELP!

yeh i adjusted idle under seat. backed it down and adjusted mix screw till it came up a bit.
what jet you running??

ok turn the airscrew all the way in. then 1.5 turns out. to start. then kick the bike see how it acts. does it idle without holding the throttle?
also whats the plug look like?
I am running the 230main and stock pilot jet also. these are aftermarket new (moose). i will try the air and idle again i got it to 2 turn air mix and idle adjustment is a little over half.
ok i put a new plug in and turn air mix in all the way then 1/12 out adjusted idle at that setting. prayed around no leaks to make it idle up. air box is still of and pulled the plug after 2 minutes of running and its a bit wet, like oily black wet but electrode looks clean yet!
uhhhhhhh..LOL. ok changed the main jet to a 300 then 290 it revse to half or a little over now but i tried riding it dow block and back in gear as soon as you touch the throutle it wants to die unless you let it idle or just barley tuch it. not sure what this is. tors or week charge coil? im lost it sounds kind hesatan when it reves in nuetral but ive heered worste. still it only reves to half or 3/4 then kills instant. unless i let off
it idles great now it revse up i did turn air till it idles best and needle is in middle but has no top rev and when i put it in gear and touch the gas kills its self.
haha,check your reeds? trust me i had the same problem, you might have a cracked reed, symptoms sound just like mine, or the choke assmebly could be messed up, like the choke is not shutting off, check it out, i have fixed all this on mine.
i have new reeds there boyesen carbon. ive cheched for cracks. not sure what you mean about the choke though.
i tried it all day and i cant get it to revafter half. i got factory needle back in and 290 main jet and factor pilot in and still nthing. it starts and revs to half then fals on its face dead like its being flooded. but no flood not everytime anyways about half the time it is flooded the other just a bit wet but just dies.
OMG......put the vitos needle in on middle clip with 300 main. adjust the little screw on side of the carb( left side sitting on it) all the way in then slowly turn out till best throttle response off of idle. if u are out more than 2 turns the pilot jet isnt correct. leave lid off air box. drive see what happens and go from there. dont change more than one thing at a time, u wont know what each change did.
also, im running the amsoil as well and if you read the jug it says 50:1, i usually run 40-45:1 but thats why your plug is oil black wet because your mix is OIL RICH, id do what biotch says but before I did it Id drain the tank and start with fresh mix.