
awsome thankz guyz wasnt 2 sure just got it this winter first bike ever lol came with a jerry can and afull tank already mixed
nooo thats 40:1 4 ounces of oil to every gallon.bel ray or any other good oil is good

aight thanks for the clear up. got confused. I myself use Yamalube and i love it. Klotz smells good and seems to work but i hear it has some alcohol and that with time can cause damage. And ive heard great things about the honda Hp2
Benol smells the best. Castor 927 has benol in it. And 3 oz per gallon is 40:1. 4 oz per gallon is 32:1. The ratio you run can also depend upon the oil you're using. I run 40:1 in all my stuff. It's easy to just dump a 16oz bottle into a 5 gallon jug.