I cant tell if that is a hole on left top middle one? problem just the pic
there should be no holes /crack/gaps..they should sit flat at the other end you did not take a pic of
I cant tell if that is a hole on left top middle one? problem just the pic
there should be no holes /crack/gaps..they should sit flat at the other end you did not take a pic of
As a matter of fact i did and it works!
I just spent the last 4 hours riding it and it works great. Thanks to everybidy for the help i really do appreciate it.
Sometimes it does die when i put it in neutral after riding in first but i hardly care because it is a one kick start.
If it keeps stalling at low revs the air fuel mixture is prolly incorrect, or the idle speed is incorrectly set.
In answer to the question " doesn't it have to be running right before you set the idle ".
No, it will never run right unless you set the idle correctly!
Idle speed adjusting.
Set float level, make sure that all jets are clean and fuel flows freely from the float bowl drain when the screw is cracked open.
Start with air screw 1.5 turns out.
Set idle screw so that it has some sort of idle. With TORS it is the big screw under seat on top of unit. With no TORS is is the brass screw midway down carb body.
Warm up motor and then set idle screw for a faster idle, 2000rpm+
Adjust air screw either way to get the fastest idle.
Adjust air screw a little at a time leaving 10 secs or until the motor responds.