Front wheel bearings


New Member
Feb 5, 2013
Right! I have a question, I hope it doesn't sound stupid.

When I brought my mish mash blasty I thought it was an 03 onwards but with your help you clearly noticed it wasn't.

So... The person before me fitted 03+ hydro brakes. I have stripped and repowder coated the frame and I'm changing every nut and bolt, bearing etc as i go through the frame.

I have noticed the pre 03 bikes have different part numbers compared to the 03+ bikes.

Because of my brake upgrade from the previous owner do I run the new bearings or the old ones? I'm confused?

you need to run the 03+ bearings, as thats the hubs/discs and spindles used.
Ah balls! I wondered what the extra large dust seal was for in the 02 kit.makes sense now I ordered the wrong set. Ill order a set of 03+.

Why we are on the subject, is it worth upgrading the front discs to waveys whilst I'm rebuilding the fronts? Or are the stock discs ok?

Ah balls! I wondered what the extra large dust seal was for in the 02 kit.makes sense now I ordered the wrong set. Ill order a set of 03+.

Why we are on the subject, is it worth upgrading the front discs to waveys whilst I'm rebuilding the fronts? Or are the stock discs ok?


i've considered swapping the stock rappy discs i use for some wavy crossdrilled super duper stopping power discs
but i can do actual stoppies with whats in there now I:I
was just lookin to spend $ on something i guess.
no real need.
Being that there was already a thread on front wheel bearings recently created, I figured I would share a picture of why you shouldn't put off replacing bearings, or any part for that matter when you know its needed !
I feel a little stupid sharing this but I figured if I can help even one member through my mistake, then the emarassment is well worth it.

You know the saying " Ride until the wheels fall off" well I foolishly rode until my bearings fell off !