Ask and ye shall receive. I just got my first batch of parts, still waiting on a few more.
Here is the Moose Podium bumper: I chose it because it follows the factory frame lines unlike a lot of aftermarket bumpers. First impression is that it is well made, strong and light. I will probably polish it someday when I do a frame off.
My Toomey B1 is leaking and I have a broken upper mount so I got these to fix it: The pipe came with the quad, will report back if it is as well made as everybody on here says it is : )
It's muddy in WA so there's this:
I want more power so I got these:
The head was $17.50 shipped and is going to get rechambered. The jug was $70 shipped and is on stock bore with a "four corner" seize. The ports have been cleaned up by an amateur, I am going to have something more aggressive done by a pro. Unfourtanately 5 or 6 out of the 8 threaded holes are going to need heli-coils (it already had one, and 1 stud came out clean, the others already came pre-stripped or were seized/ boogered up upon removal). Do you guys use anti seize or anything else to prevent this from happening again?
Here is the Moose Podium bumper: I chose it because it follows the factory frame lines unlike a lot of aftermarket bumpers. First impression is that it is well made, strong and light. I will probably polish it someday when I do a frame off.

My Toomey B1 is leaking and I have a broken upper mount so I got these to fix it: The pipe came with the quad, will report back if it is as well made as everybody on here says it is : )

It's muddy in WA so there's this:

I want more power so I got these:

The head was $17.50 shipped and is going to get rechambered. The jug was $70 shipped and is on stock bore with a "four corner" seize. The ports have been cleaned up by an amateur, I am going to have something more aggressive done by a pro. Unfourtanately 5 or 6 out of the 8 threaded holes are going to need heli-coils (it already had one, and 1 stud came out clean, the others already came pre-stripped or were seized/ boogered up upon removal). Do you guys use anti seize or anything else to prevent this from happening again?