Alright here goes...I went riding for a while today and changed out the plug before I went. Rode probably 1/4 of the time on rocky trails and the rest of the time the throttle was down pretty hard. But when I am going slow and try climbing over a log or something like that in first my Blaster will stall out on me.
When I changed the plug before the ride it was a shiny-ish black. Usually it's dark black though when I change it. Is this a product of riding on rocky trails for a little while, or should I start looking elsewhere for a solution.
It hasn't had a rebuild in a long time as far as I know but still starts on first kick with some throttle. Rebuild the solution to my plugs fouling out so quickly? I'm not sure what jets it's running, but I plan on taking it apart and finding out. Also I've been running sh*ttier oil in the premix at 32:1, but I found some Amsoil Dominator that I'll run after this tank. sh*tty oil also probably leading to the fouling I would imagine?
Here are the specs from when I bought it last year:
Wiseco Piston
Hotrods Crankshaft
Fmf Fatty Chamber
Fmf Powercore 2 Silencer
V-Force 2 reeds
I know that's a lot of questions but help me out I:I
When I changed the plug before the ride it was a shiny-ish black. Usually it's dark black though when I change it. Is this a product of riding on rocky trails for a little while, or should I start looking elsewhere for a solution.
It hasn't had a rebuild in a long time as far as I know but still starts on first kick with some throttle. Rebuild the solution to my plugs fouling out so quickly? I'm not sure what jets it's running, but I plan on taking it apart and finding out. Also I've been running sh*ttier oil in the premix at 32:1, but I found some Amsoil Dominator that I'll run after this tank. sh*tty oil also probably leading to the fouling I would imagine?
Here are the specs from when I bought it last year:
Wiseco Piston
Hotrods Crankshaft
Fmf Fatty Chamber
Fmf Powercore 2 Silencer
V-Force 2 reeds
I know that's a lot of questions but help me out I:I