forum layout change

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Giving away free clues
Mar 2, 2008
Why change the layout around???Whats the point???Why don't we get the raptor on the header the hell off of there.Thats where I want to see change.I know this is going on deaf ears but it's been long enough.We don't want layout change we want the raptor off the header!!!! And for botm to run on time!!!!
im going to say the same thing that i said in chat to some of the guys

Ok people are donating there hard earned cash to help rin this site, make it better, and make stuff happen. we all know ever sense this forum was made there has been a raptor and 2 banshees on the banner and everyone has been asking to change it and some people even offered there skills to help change it(XkronikX) and that sh*t isnt getting done. but yet we can move the General forum down on the home screen and make it a comeplete mess, i know for me, ive been hear a while and its completey STUPID! prety much an incomvenice(sp)

what was the point of doing this, people are asking for sh*t to get done and its not happeing but stuff that hasnt been a problem is getting changed?!?!?!?!!? doesnt make sense

end rant
We did an adopt a member thread awhile back and raised money.We have alot more supporters now than we ever had.This place makes money and is just another site under the owners umbrella.I am sure there are many.All we got was more bandwidth.Notice awhile back we mentioned a donate button and what do you know it just appeared.Maybe we should make a thread this is what I am willing to donate if the header gets changed.Again this is going on deaf ears and will never happen.This thread will probably end up like xxxkroniks and be deleted!! no end rant, still ranting!!!!
i know basics of photoshop and i would happily make one aswell,but obiviously i wouldn't bne anyware near as good as kroniks!
ohh never knew about that (eventhough i read it above ,i diddnt know what you are on about)but to the mods,as i said give me the banner sizes(pixels pref) and i will make on eno problem
this whole forum is heading downhill lately.... i too will be removing myself from the auto donation system before im due again
this is my first time through supporting and if nothing happens with all this sh*t it will b my last. i have better ways to spend 10 bucks
cbaber said:
Hey, the thank you button sound like a nice idea and maybe would give more organization to the forum. I will derfinitly consider this idea. As for the header image, I do not want to change anything at the moment. I almost have a finished header wish i would be able to put up but I still don't want to for one reason. There is a plan to upgrade the entire forum and change the whole design, making the header obsolete and a new header would need to be created either way to fit the new d3esign.


This is what cbaber told me in a PM. So I guess there is plans. But the most recent banner I created, I had set up that would take literally under 5 minutes to get up. I went the whole five yards and downloaded the entire forum style and modified the photoshop files supplied with it and cut them down to just need to upload 3 files and you'd be done, but it was not done. If there is a 100% guarantee that it will be used, I can create another banner, but until then, I'm done creating graphics for this site (except people's signatures here and there). I agree, I do think this forum is going downhill. Not just because of the header, that doesn't really bother me. It's everyone being so butthurt over stupid things. Nearly every thread on here turns into a dumb fight. I love this place, I sure hope it pulls itself together. I think moderators need to become a little more strict for a while... anyone who causes a stupid fight gets a week suspension, 2nd offense 2 weeks, and so on. That's what I'd do if I ran this place. If this doesn't get straightened up, I'm debating making another offroad forum.
nothing to do with this topic but whats the point of the three locked stickys in the lounge? seems to just be taking up room to me
all we need to do is kick out all the jackasses, fiddle around with the layout a few times and start a poll to see which one everyone likes better, and start fresh and new..... delete all current threads except the stickied ones, and start new. then stay on top of it all and make sure people like yb200 dont come back, ever. i understand that the admins and mods are busy, but a little time and effort could make this site better. dont get me wrong, i love this forum. i spend half of my day on here. i love it. but it is going downhill and once it starts, it snowballs. problems just get bigger and bigger..... just my 2 cents on the situation
You can put a chinese quad at the top and it wouldnt bother me in the least. This is the best place for quick answers if you need help.

x2 as long as the people are still here to help i dont mind to much ,would be nce to see a blasty of sme sort though
all we need to do is kick out all the jackasses, fiddle around with the layout a few times and start a poll to see which one everyone likes better, and start fresh and new..... delete all current threads except the stickied ones, and start new. then stay on top of it all and make sure people like yb200 dont come back, ever. i understand that the admins and mods are busy, but a little time and effort could make this site better. dont get me wrong, i love this forum. i spend half of my day on here. i love it. but it is going downhill and once it starts, it snowballs. problems just get bigger and bigger..... just my 2 cents on the situation

I don't think everything should be deleted. I think informational threads should stay. But general topics and stuff need to go. It'll clean the site up and will make it run faster and nicer. The smaller the database, the quicker the access. Clear up the members that cause problems, and then you're set.
GO BACK TO THE OLD LAYOUT, I know I'm a contrary mofo when it comes to change, but the new layout sucks, and while I don't really care to much about what the header is, it is kinda crappy that we can't change something that the MEMBERS of the damn forum want changed but we can change the layout that nobody wanted changed.
I dont see why you guy's are complaining about it. it makes more sense this way, it will stop the newbies from posting in the wrong sections because all the important on topic sections are at the top.

and about the banner, why do you care?
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