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New Member
Apr 18, 2012
So Cal
Well, it appears to me that this bracket holding tension to the clutch cable was suppossed to be attached to the cylinder base nuts. Do you guys think it would be better to undo and re-torque the single bolt or undo and re-torque all of the bolts evenly? I'm probably being nuerotic but I just spent a day trying to fix an air leak between the cylinder head and the reed basket.


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I did the same thing! haha I loosened all the bolts until they were finger loose. THen took that bolt all the way off
Hmmmm... I think you could get by if you remove the single nut and put the clutch tensioner on. I guess if you haven't done heat cycles and the gasket hasn't seated yet, you'll be safe if you just do one nut.

Best thing would probably to remove all of them and start over.
if u dident start the engine at all, i think it would be fine to remove just the one nut. put a sand bag or something on the top of the hed to keep pressure on the wound...... i mean gasket lol DR. QUADRIDER HERE!
No matter what I am undoing, I take no chances, I always slacken the fasteners in the way that they are put on. I dont want to take the chance of cracking a lug off.

Take no chances, it is no big deal to slacken them all.

No disrespect Dr QR10, but filling a bag with enough sand to compensate for the pressure exerted buy that nut, would take more time than slackening all the fasteners!:D:D:D
you can do just that nut, then retorque it, i've done it successfully plenty of times