for the record...


Aug 6, 2009
i never said that my blaster is better than anyone on this site.. i was excited that i had gottin a new blaster sooooo i wanted ppl to see it and coment on it.. srry 89 that its not a $100,000 blaster with all the cool parts on it and some cool paint. so if anyone wants to talk sh*t over there comp just keep it to yourself. if not i would love to be online buddys or w/e you prefer to call it. im here to learn about stuff i like and to see ppls projects. im not better than you and your not better than me.. unless your jessus. lolingI:I
yea dude ive had my rep go to zerooo becasue some people on here dont like to be proved wrong.i love this sight and theres more good people than bad ones that will help with whatever they can
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take a chill pill mate:D
yes you are excited to get a new bike so i can understand why you were quick to bump up your topic.
imo 89custom was wrong to hit out like that,tbf though he is usually the one who will quickyly embarrass the bs'ers on here.
but you did take the bait rather badly,learn to rise above it and not make new topics.
I'm not gonna lie that back when you first started hanging around here I was getting pretty pissed off. The past is the past though
Walking on water and fixing a 2 stroke are two good skills to have..but that doesnt make me jesus....maybe moses.
Originally Posted by blasterman312 View Post
Walking on water and fixing a 2 stroke are two good skills to have..but that doesnt make me jesus....maybe moses.
pics or it never happend.. lol

lol to funny .