thats COOL to have ur own trail right in ur yard. i live in the city so i do all street riding IF that.
to edit ur video name go to "EDIT VIDEO DETAIL"
im gonna say it 1st b4 sum1 else does, this is a different topic so ur jackin ur own thread. lol.. sum ppl are cyber patrolling o_O
actually we went sure what all was wrong with it, but they put boyessen reeds in it, they said it took them 4 hours to tune the carb and thats $65 an hour they charged us for a new spark plug and the one that was in it was brand new, they put a new left side oil seal on it which we provided to them, and a new main jet i think. and they wanted $400 for it.and what really pissed me off they were supposed to call before they started working on it and tell us how much might be.

Are you the dad?

When I showed up at the guy's shop, he promptly found out that I was a little more than just a badass through the internet. Let's just say the police were called in on a domestic dispute. I:I

so the mechanic was also your boyfriend?

also to the OP, you took it to the shop to have them install some reed petals and replace an oil seal?

it sounds like your engine had an airleak or you didn't run oil in the gas. reason for the knocking, lack of lube for the bearings or it ran really hot.
so the mechanic was also your boyfriend?

also to the OP, you took it to the shop to have them install some reed petals and replace an oil seal?

it sounds like your engine had an airleak or you didn't run oil in the gas. reason for the knocking, lack of lube for the bearings or it ran really hot.

thats what i was thinking also motoman good sh*t its funny.
okay so we took it back to the shop today. Idk why they have a service manager, but she acted retarted and was wondering why it wasnt running. well what we didnt tell them was that last night we looked and they put a fuel filter on it upside down. so only straight gas can get through cause i still have the injector bottle and i have wanted to take it off since day one. and i figured what i heard knocking was the fuel filter cause it couldnt get any oil. but dad told them that what ever was wrong they had to fix cause they effed it up even more. I think its about to blow up now. so they have to rebuild the motor. thier complete dumbasses lets just put it at that.
they put a fuel filter on wrong? what kind is it because most are either way. and i run them and they dont stock oil from getting to the engine.
they put a fuel filter on wrong? what kind is it because most are either way. and i run them and they dont stock oil from getting to the engine.

they never told us what kind. But what happend was were it was upside down it wouldn't let oil get threw it because the oil is thicker than gas and only gas could get threw
Yeah I've seen this happen before.^ Wrong type for a Blaster for sure. And why in the wingitty wang do you still run the injector with a Factory 7 240 kit?! If I could even afford one on my blaster I would have the injector off while it's in the mail.