

New Member
Apr 17, 2011
Palm Bay Florida
Just won a real nice SST-pipe and did not realize that it is different than the FMF Fatty. My new powercore 2 does not fit... have any of you guys used this setup and what muffler should I go with now.?????
You need a the SST version TurbineCore 2 pipe... I would try to make the one you have work if not sell it on here and someone will buy it in no time.. also may sure your flange is nice and tight when you put the pipe. These pipes have a big problem with not sealing right near the flange....
i would see if i could make it work. If there is a gap between the two then i would add a piece of steill pipe between them and put a coupler on both sides to hold it all together. If its too long, cut that sh*t up lol. But I would make it functional and look good.
yo its a pain in the ass to convert bc I HAVE a fatty header and a SST silencer. i got it to work but the exhaust ALWAYS burn thru it. i'll trade u my FMF fatty for u SST. PM me. it'll work out for the both of us
Yo mac wasn't in my thread about that issue? Getting the two to work was a pain in the ass!!! Hose after hose. I tried everything. At the moment I had it in for about 24 hours total riding time and its already starting to leak. Owell what option do I have I don't wanna buy another pipe or header but this trade would help me and him but he hasn't gotten back yet so. I'm in no rush I ride my bike once a week IF that.