Im In The Market For A Complete Exhaust For My 2001 and was wondering if anyone had feedback on the fmf Fatty Pipe With The Powercore 2 Silencer? Any Help Would Be Great!
awesome The Extra power Would Deff Help! Seeing How Mine Has Almost every Engine Mod Out There Done To It all it needs is exhaust And Big bore kit! And Loud Is What im going for!!
awesome The Extra power Would Deff Help! Seeing How Mine Has Almost every Engine Mod Out There Done To It all it needs is exhaust And Big bore kit! And Loud Is What im going for!!
I have the fatty and core silencer and i love it, my brother thinks its loud but i like the snap of a loud blaster, i have a 2003 with a 260 jet and nothing done to the engine that i know of, stock reeds etc. overall i love the pipe