Flipping cars?

that is another idea....

if you find a kind of car you can cash in on pretty well...start seeking them out and doing mostly that platform. usually you'll have extra parts after a while, and you'll be able to make things happen even cheaper.
^X2. Just like working on Blasters...if you do it long enough, you'll wind having just about every spare part on hand you'll be needing. Cars aren't any different. If you stick with one brand or platform in particular, pretty soon you'll see what usually breaks/needs attention and what works fine year after year.

Oh, this is just random, but watch out for projects with blown head gaskets. Sometimes you get lucky and all you have to do is replace the gasket. Other times, the whole head and/or deck is warped or cracked and its $$$ to fix properly. Every time you do a head gasket, you have to check for warpage and cracks. Plus you often need a torque + angle gauge to cinch the bolts down correctly.

My .02
I know a couple guys that have done it in the honda scene. Get a cheap civic with a blown motor. Go to the junkyard and get an integra motor (non vtec) for about $150.
Swap the motor in and sell the car for more than KBB value because its "swapped" I have personally "swapped" a civic and it was easier than it sounds. can be done in a day or if you are experienced i have seen it done in about 6 hours.
.........watch out for projects with blown head gaskets. Sometimes you get lucky and all you have to do is replace the gasket. Other times, the whole head and/or deck is warped or cracked and its $$$ to fix properly. Every time you do a head gasket, you have to check for warpage and cracks. Plus you often need a torque + angle gauge to cinch the bolts down correctly.

My .02

True that, my brutha!
Lot's of great info getting posted here! Thanks to all how are helping me out, keep it coming!
Did it once or twice, not on purpose though ha bought a cj5 that i swear you would have thought i pulled it out of a ditch! ugliest thing I have ever dragged home with out a doubt BUT hiding under a multicolored hood was an AMC 360 with "stuff". Took me about 2 months to do some body work, paint, wheels and tires that I got for a steal, $50 carb off an old boat and holycrap that bastard was nasty with sidepipes! would throw you back in the seat pretty good as long as it hooked up. two days after I got the carb dialed in a guy showed up and it was gone. didnt realize that I had made a profit it on it until a day or two later.

I will say that in some states if you buy or sell more than a certain number of vehicles in a 12 month period you are required to have a dealers license. Not sure how strick they are about that but maybe something to look into.
i am up 3500 buy buying a quad that needas a rebuild or work and selling it again ... im am now doing roadbikes/track bikes as im keeping my ltr