Finally, my project ends

Man you did some nice work there, what did you use to get your steering so high?

2pc Aluminum Handle Bar Clamp Honda XR50 XR CRF 50 110:eBay Motors (item 160313695518 end time Aug-31-09 18:43:07 PDT)

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thats what im talking bout,some nice clean pics,how bout some handguards? Also one of your tires is flipped LOL your steering must be f*cked up.
thats what im talking bout,some nice clean pics,how bout some handguards? Also one of your tires is flipped LOL your steering must be f*cked up.

yes, the tire will soon be replaced and the handles coming soon 8-|

you guys are mean, making him cover his pink shocks. i liked them....hahaha the bike looks good man. how hard was the yfz plastics to put on?

the rear position is easy but the front was a big job . he was cutting and heating plastics to give them the desired form
this isnt to make anybody mad it is a sick quad and is awesome
but if you like the look of the yfz why didnt you just buy one?
good job though like i said it looks sick