Man you did some nice work there, what did you use to get your steering so high?
2pc Aluminum Handle Bar Clamp Honda XR50 XR CRF 50 110:eBay Motors (item 160313695518 end time Aug-31-09 18:43:07 PDT)

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Man you did some nice work there, what did you use to get your steering so high?
thats what im talking bout,some nice clean pics,how bout some handguards? Also one of your tires is flipped LOL your steering must be f*cked up.
you guys are mean, making him cover his pink shocks. i liked them....hahaha the bike looks good man. how hard was the yfz plastics to put on?
Now THAT is a idea for a build. KTM orange!!!
hey how can i put yfz plastic on my blasty like that?